
Program extension goals

The goal of my extension program is to provide leadership in vegetable entomology by providing and generating research-based information that leads to significant advancements in vegetable pest management such as better efficiency of management inputs, increased compatibility with natural occurring biological control and improved safety to the user, environment and consumers.

Specific goals of my extension program include the following:

a) Develop linkages with vegetable extension and the vegetable industry
b) Communicate effectively with the vegetable industry
c) Support the vegetable industry in New York
d) Educate youth about entomology and science.

Recent extension presentations

Allium crops (onion, leek scallion)

Reducing Synthetic Chemical Use to Optimize Pest Management and Crop Production: Onion Thrips [LINK] (Apr 2024)

Onion Thrips Management in 2022 and Beyond & Seed Treatment Update [PDF] (Dec 2022)

Can we improve management of onions thrips in organic onions? [PDF] (Jan 2020)

Vegetable:Update on Organic Onion Pest and Disease Management [PDF] (Jan 2020)

Flies in the ointment: Update on onion maggot and Allium leafminer management [PDF] (Jan 2020)

What we know and don’t know about the Allium leafminer’s threat to the U.S. Allium industry [PDF] (Jul 2019)

Integrated strategies for managing onion thrips in organic onions [PDF] (April 2019)

Onion maggot control in onion: can we get off the insecticide treadmill? [PDF] (Mar 2019)

Controls sought for pest threatening Black Dirt onions [Link] (March 2019)

Biology and management of Phytomyza gymnostoma: a new invasive pest of Allium crops in the eastern US [Powerpoint] (March 2018)

Relationship between Stemphylium vesicarium and onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) in the development of Stemphylium leaf blight disease [Link] (Aug 2018)

Onion thrips and onion maggot management strategies [PDF] (Feb 2018)

Onion maggot management in fresh-market onion [PDF] (Jan 2016)

Onion thrips biology and management in onion [PDF] (Apr 2016)

Leguminous crops (snap bean, dry bean green peas)

Considerations for management of seedcorn maggot, potato leafhopper and European corn borer in conventional and organic snap beans [PDF] (Jan 2021)

Update on insect pest management and Cucumber mosaic virus in snap bean [PDF] (Dec 2018)

Seedcorn maggot management in green peas [PDF] (Dec 2018)

Cucumber mosaic virus in snap beans: symptoms, vectors and management [PDF] (Jan 2016)

Brassicaceous crops (cabbage)

Diamondback Moth: One of Several Insect Pests of Concern [PDF] (Feb 2021)

Combating Cole Crop Critters [PDF] (Jan 2021)

The Lorsban “ban” – Cabbage maggot control without it [PDF] (Jan 2020)

Evaluating insecticides for managing diamondback moth in cabbage [PDF] (Dec 2017)

Cucurbitaceous crops (squash)

Squash those bugs! [PDF] (Jan 2021)

Solanaceous crops (potato)

Colorado Potato Beetle Management Strategies for Organically and Conventionally Grown Potato[PDF] (Feb 2018)

Colorado potato beetle biology and management [PDF] (Jan 2016)

General IPM

Insect pest management in vegetable crops: a glimpse into a future without neonicotinoids [PDF] (Apr 2023)

Evaluating OMRI-Listed products for pest control on selected vegetable crops [PDF] (Nov 2019)

Managing caterpillar pests using conventional and OMRI listed insecticides in sweet corn [PDF] (Dec 2018)

OMRI-listed insecticides for management of onion thrips in organic onion production: what works, and what doesn’t [PDF] (Dec 2018)

Managing Corn Earworm using GMO Varieties, Conventional and OMRI-approved Insecticides in Sweet Corn[PDF] (Jan 2017)

Insect pests and their management in selected processing vegetable crops [PDF] (Jan 2016)